DD, Aged 17

    When people would talk they didn't know what to say which was understandable.  more...


    Mimi - 15 years old

    I lost myself doing stupid things, angry and sad and depressed at everything. I ended up failing my classes, not caring about school, and getting into fights.  more...


    Chelsea - 14 years old

    I stuck my head round the door in the room mum was in, and she looked really ill. I couldn't understand what was happening - one minute my mum was fine and the next she was ill.  more...


    Clair - aged 14

    Something I wish is I could just have one more day with my dad! - to tell him how much I love him and how sorry I am for all the bad things I have said and done to him!  more...


    Nicole - 17 years old

    This time the doctors are unable to operate. He has already had 6 sessions of chemo and is having another 6 sessions. I cannot help feeling I may lose him.  more...


    Rirrif - 15 years old

    I have been staying with my dad because my mom doesn't want me around when she is sick, which is all the time. My dad works at night so I spend a lot of time alone since I'm not with my mom. I'm afraid she is going to die and I'll blame myself for not being there more. more...


    HT - 13 years old

    She has been so strong about this and is keen to put it all behind her.  more...

Mum Diagnosed With Cancer

Started : 30.12.2016 by RJ

Two days my parents sat me and my sister down and told us the news, my mum has cancer. She didn't go into much detail but she told us she was starting chemotherapy on the 10th of January and that she'll have a difficult journey ahead of her. I have cried and cried non stop, I'm so frightened. My mum means the absolute world to me and to picture a life without her I just can't bear it. I've been through a lot and she has been there with me every step of the way, she truly is my best friend and I love her so much. My sister and I agreed to put on a brave face and we're trying to make things feel as normal as possible but every time I have a moment alone I burst into tears. I have to convince myself it's not a bad dream (I wish it was) I'm still in so much shock. I have no questions, I just want to connect with people in a similar situation. I'm feeling very lonely and scared about everything and I'd really appreciate having someone to talk to. Thank you so much.

2 Comments so far...


1 - Robyn 30/12/2016 @ 10:08

Hello, Robyn from the Riprap team here - Your mums diagnosis will have come as a shock and it is natural that you are feeling scared and emotional. I am sure you will find reading the posts from other here at Riprap helpful and when the questions come, or if you would like to talk things over privately you are also very welcome to contact the Riprap team using our Get in touch form. Best wishes Robyn

2 - 3/2/2017 @ 17:50

Im going through the same thing, i feel so devastated and i cant cope with it. I would be happy to talk you. We can help each other go through this.

Message from Hilde at riprap: I’m sorry that we can’t include your facebook account and email address here even though you included it in your post so that RJ could contact you directly. We have a strict policy about safeguarding all the young people using riprap and can’t allow people to contact each other privately. I’m really sorry about this as I’m sure many would benefit hugely from supporting each other more privately. It seems like you’re going through a really tough time and I’d like you to know that you are very welcome to contact us by using the ‘get in touch’ form if you’d like to talk things over with us in the riprap team. We are all experienced cancer nurses and can hopefully support you with what you’re going through… Best wishes, Hilde